Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Twits

The Children's Creative Writing Class was excellent yesterday. We delved into making things as descriptive as possible. Roald Dahl's book The Twits was the inspiration for the class.

In case you don't know who they are - The Twits are husband and wife and although they are very funny, they are not too bright! Mr. Twit has a long shaggy beard that has bits of rotten fish, apple, stale bread and so on stuck in it. Mrs Twit used to be very pretty when she was young, but she kept having frightening thoughts and ended up as an ugly old hag! The Twits love to play mean tricks on each other.

In general Mr Twit's beard was a topic of coversation. Especially when I read out the following...
Things cling to hairs, especially food. Things like gravy go right in among the hairs and stay there. You and I can wipe our smooth faces with a flannel and we quickly look more or less all right again, but the hairy man cannot do that. We can also, if we are careful, eat our meals without spreading food all over our faces. But not so the hairy man. Watch carefully next time you see a hairy man eating his lucnh and you will notice that even if he opens his mouth very wide, it is impossible for him to get a spoonful of beef-stew or ice-cream and chocolate sauce into it without leaving some of it on the hairs. Mr Twit didn't even bother to open his mouth wide when he ate. As a result (and because he never washed) there were always hundreds of bits of old breakfasts and lucnhes and suppers sticking to the hairs around his face. They weren't big bits, mind you, because he use dto wipe those off with the back of his hand or on his sleeve while he was eating. (Roald Dahl)
The class spent the next hour drawing various beards with disgusting things in them. They wrote these descriptions into their proper sentences. They also placed the character with the beard in a situation next to them (on a train, for example) and then we wallowed in the disgustingness of it all with lots of "yuckkkkks!" and "ohhhhhs!" Many characters even had managed to mumble a few words.

If you want to take a look at the drawings and the words then check us all out at The Write Space on Facebook - in the notes section. Alternatively go to Be patient with us, these characters can be tricky to scan in! Check out