How To Know You Are Approaching The Big 40.
1. You write lists about everything.
2. You put lists on fridge with specific magnets.
3. You think the girl in the coffee shop is secretly overcharging you on cups of tea.
4. You know you have karisma but don't know what it is for or who wants to see it.
5. You talk about the weather to strangers in the shop/post office/bank queue.
6. You warble on about the 'good old days' of 1985.
7. You say, "God be with the days."
8. You want to cook like Nigella Lawson, but instead look like N.L. in THAT all-in-one swim suit.
9. You think you could sow a patch-work quilt, but can't thread a needle.
10. You plan to get "your inner self" out.
11. This seems to involve a lot of wine tasting.
12. Someone on the bus calls you "that lady".
13. When people mispronounce your name - you fail to correct them.
14. You want to meet ---- because you know when you do, you will have loads in common.
15. You want to go on a world hike, on your own.
16. Sometimes when you think about 50 you begin doing your neck exercises.
17. You think younger men are hilarious.
18. You know you can dance, but not professionally (or for inspiration).
19. You think you have the gift of second sight, but don't know how to use it.
20. You've given up wanting it all - the Top Notch Job/Soul Man/Children and will settle instead for a Cadbury's Walnut Whip.
You Know You Are Approaching The Big 50
I will have to get back to you on that. At the moment the conversation is revovling around a film on TV and the thoughts that I still have a good way to go until then.
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT - seems I have viewers in Russia and the Netherlands. Would love to know what you think. Das Vadanja Tavarich!
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