Friday, November 2, 2012

Tuesday Morning Creative Writing Classes Dundalk

Tuesday mornings - Dundalk. Join us for our weekly Creative Writing Class. Just 20 euro for two hours and lots of good conversations and writing.  Call me to secure a place - Brenda - 086-8104927

Saturday, July 28, 2012

First Write Kids Summer Camp

First Write Kids Summer Camp – July
Congratulations to the children who took part in the First Write Kids Summer Camp!
I was so proud of you all. Well done (l – r) Alanna, Eleanor, Dearbhla, Tara and Elle-Mae!
For more details of the programmes on offer for the Kids Write Space and Summer Camps – visit us in the News section. Also listen to what the children had to say and what questions they asked me!
We have one Summer Camp remaining – August 13 – 17th. If you want to ditch the television, and Nintendos then grab a seat at our camp in Dundalk.
We promise lots of games and teamwork exercises to help each child explore and develop their writing in a fun and informative environment.
In between the laughs we focus on short-story writing and grammar, especially the difficult bits we find challenging. The Camp also work on character creation and dialogue. More importantly the child develops confidence and a passion for writing.
There are more details on the News section – we even have an exercise for you to try at home!
Place: The Write Space classroom, Dundalk town centre. Cost 50 euro. Call above number to reserve a place!
Parents – Many thanks for your continued support and nurturing your child’s creative spark.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Write Kids 1st Summer Camp

Kids 1st Summer Camp
Write Kids Summer Camp1 “It was class!” says Tara after the 1st Write Kids Summer Camp today (23 July) Monday. Tara, Elle Mae, Eleanor, Dervla, and Alanna composed fantastic characters. We wrote about the girl who lives in the magical forest. We talked about the boy and the dog sitting by the side of the road. We had diet …...

“It was class!” says Tara after the 1st Write Kids Summer Camp today (23 July) Monday.
Tara, Elle Mae, Eleanor, Dervla, and Alanna composed fantastic characters. We wrote about the girl who lives in the magical forest. We talked about the boy and the dog sitting by the side of the road.
We had diet Coke and biscuits!

Friday, July 20, 2012

End of Week

At the end of the week there's nothing better than a sit down, a chat and a cup of coffee. It was a busy few days with lots of link ups on Facebook and some new contacts making arrangements with me for future meetings.

Today's Friday class was as always productive. But that doesn't really explain what happens during the time we get together.

The Write Space is a secure and safe place where our writers feel comfortable sharing their written work with their friends. There is always plenty of opportunity to chat, to dream and to plan ahead.

The overall feeling should be positive. If not, I am not helping in a proper way.

What I get back from the class is something I can't measure or put into words. Which is ironic! Just to say it's a huge creative plug-in for me.

On another  note - I've decided to go ahead and order The Write Space T-shirts. I am also launching The Write Kids for the younger members. We are going to look - feel and think - writing!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. If you get a moment and feel like a look around - "like" us on The Write Space on Facebook.

Happy writing :-)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Martial Arts n Writing!

First mobile Write Kids Workshop

DSCN0828 - Copy It was a very special day for us at The Write Space today when we launched the first mobile Write Kids Workshop. The venue was Mas-F Martial Arts Centre in Dundalk, under the management of Wayne Rutherford. It was kinda scary venturing into an arena full of dedicated, and hard working children and young adults. But the …...

It was a very special day for us at The Write Space today when we launched the first mobile Write Kids Workshop.
The venue was Mas-F Martial Arts Centre in Dundalk, under the management of Wayne Rutherford.
It was kinda scary venturing into an arena full of dedicated, and hard working children and young adults.
But the imagination took over and everyone started creating their own characters. Some even gave them secret powers and favourite foods to eat.

The objective was to introduce the writing element in a fun way. This was achieved with the group gradually writing a small story on the reverse of their creative drawings. The results were great.
We had everything. A boy who was called Pen Boy, with the power to destroy with the click of pen. Another who could shine lazers out from his eyes, and had firey breath. One chracter smelled so badly and was a nerd. And that was part of his superpowers!
Aoise helped distribute the pages and pens. It was a lovely way to spend the morning.
Good to know the group’s motto is “I achieve what I believe.”

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Get Going

Get Going
Different fiction writers have different approaches for getting started. Here are some of your options:
  • Start with a character. Invent a character. Think of something your character desperately wants. Then invent obstacles or problems that will get in the way of the character’s achieving his or her heart’s desire. Show the character trying to overcome these problems, and you’ve got yourself a plot.
  • Start with a problem. This might be anything from a disease to a career crisis to a difficult mother-in-law who decides to move in. Then invent a character who might have this problem and who would react in an interesting way. Put it all together, and you’ve got the beginning of a plot.
  • Start with a setting. Is there a particular place that you can write about vividly? Maybe your neighbourhood, the city where you grew up, a creepy house on the corner, a woods where you go camping? Great, now you have a setting for your novel. Next, you need characters and some kind of problem or conflict that you can turn into a plot. What kind of problems do people have in your particular setting? Snakes, crime, forest fires, pollution? What kind of person is likely to react to your setting in an interesting way? Maybe a small town girl who feels lost in the big city? A real estate developer who will immediately want to turn your nature preserve into condominiums… unless the locals can find a way to stop him? You have the beginnings of a novel.
  • Start with a concept. Some people think in abstractions. Maybe you want to write about “Creativity” or “Religion” or “The Corrupting Influence of Power.” Great! Since you will be writing a novel and not a philosophy dissertation, your next step is to turn the abstract idea into a specific situation where your idea plays a central role. For example, if you want to write about “Religion,” you could invent a character who has a crisis of faith after something terrible happens to his family. Come up with a concrete problem related to your abstraction, and invent a character that this problem will happen to. Your abstract idea will be the novel’s theme, and the character’s battle with the problem will be your plot.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Shades of Gray

Shades of Gray

Kim Sanders is one of the top US romantic fiction authors. Her book Shades of Gray, stormed to No. 1 in the Amazon Top 100 Books in March this year. Kim provides encouragement for those interested in producing an e-book. Thank you Kim for taking time out to chat with us! Can you tell us a little …...

Sanders is one of the top US romantic fiction authors. Her book Shades of Gray, stormed to No. 1 in the Amazon Top 100 Books in March this year. Kim provides encouragement for those interested in producing an e-book. Thank you Kim for taking time out to chat with us!
Can you tell us a little about yourself please?
My name is Kim Sanders, and I’m the author of the best-selling romantic suspense Shades of Gray. ( I love saying this because I am new to the world of fiction writing and the success of my novel still shocks me. In reality, I am just your average person who has written a romance novel. I’ve loved romantic fiction since I was a teenager. I love the escapism and the happily ever after. As an adult, I love this genre for the same reasons.
I grew up in small towns in the southern United States. My mother was an English teacher and my father owned a small variety store. I met my husband in undergraduate school and we have been happily married for 34 years. We have two wonderful adult children who love to read as much as I do.
I majored in journalism in undergraduate school and worked for years as a journalist on small newspapers and as an editor for in-house publications at a couple of universities. When my children were toddlers, I enrolled in law school and became an attorney. Writing fiction was a lifelong dream and it is now my third career.
How did you motivate yourself to keep going, to publish your books?

Shades of Gray
Over the years, I have published feature stories as a journalist, legal articles as an attorney, and photographs as a photographer. When my husband and I moved to a new city three years ago, I found the time to pursue a new career as a fiction writer. I started small. I wrote a short story and entered a contest with Writer’s Digest. I won a small payment and publication. The win gave me the confidence to finish my book, Shades of Gray, which I had been working on for years. I completely rewrote it.
I sent my novel to numerous publishers and agents, and I entered it in writing contests. The novel placed first in the writing contests and received positive rejections from agents and publishers, but no publishing contracts. As with all writers, I found that waiting months and months to hear back from each agent or publisher was extremely frustrating. My husband suggested that I self-publish the book and move on to the next novel. A few years ago, I would have never considered such an avenue. I’ve always considered self-publishing as a failure and the kiss of death. Publishers still refer to it as vanity publishing. But it turned out to be a wonderful opportunity, and my novel has been a success.
I was recently a featured author at a book festival. I was one of the few self-published authors invited, but I was featured along with published authors like Pat Conroy, Kieran Kramer, and Signe Pike. (  I found a new attitude among many successful authors who have agents and publishers. Several have begun self-publishing some of their novels which are either out-of-print or do not fit the mold desired by their publishers. They admitted loving the monthly paychecks versus the bi-annual payments from publishers.
I admit, I didn’t expect my novel to be successful, but to simply be a publication I released for the enjoyment of a few friends and family while I fine-tuned my writing skills. I wanted to keep revising and editing the book in hopes that I might find the right publisher. Having people read and review Shades of Gray was much more personal than comments on my journalistic or legal writings. I, like most authors, poured a lot of myself into the fiction. When I received a positive review from Kirkus Reviews ( and my book became one of their Critics’ Picks, I was thrilled.  Shortly thereafter, Shades of Gray climbed to number one in contemporary romance and number two in romantic suspense on Amazon’s Best Seller Lists. My book is currently in its fifth month in the top 100 of romantic suspense.
Keep Going
I’d encourage your readers to publish their own book if they can’t find a publisher, but make sure the final product is high quality. At the very least, hire an editor and a cover designer before releasing a book.
Are e-books the way to go?
I love e-books, but I haven’t always felt this way. I love sitting on the beach with a paperback novel in hand. One Christmas, my husband gave me a Kindle from Amazon. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the gift, but I soon discovered it was like having a library at my fingertips 24 hours a day. The screen of my Kindle is like a book page without the glare of computer screens. It’s wonderful. I even slip it in a Ziplock bag to read in the tub or by the sea.
As an author, I believe e-books have provided a wonderful opportunity into the new world of publishing. For example, Amazon gives authors up to 70 percent profit on the sale of e-books—a much higher profit margin than paperbacks. (I sound like an ad for Amazon, but it is only because publishing with Amazon has worked for me.) Over 60,000 people have downloaded the e-book version of my debut novel Shades of Gray since it was released on in October 2011. I can’t image I would have this many readers on a debut novel that was only available in paperback.
Is it difficult for women writers to get noticed these days?
I don’t believe it is anymore difficult for women than men. In fact, in the romance genre, I’ve found most of the writers getting publicity are women. I think women should promote their books with social media, public appearances, contests, and book reviews. But I’d say the most important step for a woman author to get noticed is to make sure their book is well written. If readers love your book, they will recommend it to other readers

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Between a Grey and a Black place

The University of Lancashire's image of Christian Grey, the protagonist in EL James's 50 Shades of Grey novel
The University of Lancashire's image of Christian Grey, the protagonist in EL James's 50 Shades of Grey novel Photo: UCLAN
Ok - this is Mr Grey himself. Really no idea if this is what he looks like, because I have not read one single word between those hot sheets. But I possibly will. Just in the name of research of course. What I really wanted to say, was my heart is cracking in two or more pieces right now because I have just read in The Telegraph that Christian may be played by Ryan Gosling. So what? I hear you mumble while holding the cursor down ready to get out of this blog. Well so nothing really - except I am as I said in achy breaky heart mode. Not that I think RG is super cool or anything. It's just that I had him tagged for my film. You know that mega blockbuster - from the soul of the Eastern US seaboard in a land lost to the past, with a man who knows nothing, but knows too much? I spent manys a night trawling through the net to find my own exact "photo fit" for my character - who incidently has the same initials as Ryan Gosling - R.G. And now that I found the "face" for my protagonist, I find his "face" will be used on another character that I am not all too sure about. This film of mine, which is currently viewing in my head is of course only half scripted, so Hollywood can go ahead and use Ryan and see-if-I-care!
Again it is a case of always feeling like I am catching up. Why is that? Is it something to do with age? Ability or laziness? Now look what I have gone and done - let another good character go by the away side.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

This was

"This was beginning to be the Houses of Parliament..." the son says this and shows me a drawing of Big Ben or St. Stephen's Tower (my only claim to pub quiz trivia fame).
So we're going through everything he's ever drawn in minature in his new notebook. It's 9.15p.m. and I've sat here since 8.30p.m. determined to get some work finished.
Since that time I have -
Admired my new batch of business cards.
Tried to get my new iphone to work again.
Went on Facebook twice.
Read a good article on Sky News.
Read a good article on Oprah about menopause.
Planned in my head how my "hero" meets the "heroine" in a new short story.
Tried to get a Category Drop Down on my web-page.
Returned two calls, that did not go through.
Read a headline in the Daily Mail about men who went from scrawny to brawny.
Thought about the Club Milk waiting for me in the fridge.
Told the children to get to sleep again.
Talked to the dog briefly - "out of my way."
Looked at my notes and decided I am much better alert at 10 p.m.
SO going to have that Club Milk.
I live life in the FAST LANE.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fiction Is Good For You!

The new research is out from some-where-or-other and it proves that fiction has positive benefits.

The thing about fiction as opposed to nonfiction is we allow it to transport us into another reality. While the same can be said for nonfiction, the experts claim we do hold up something of a shield towards it, and arrive at the first page somewhat judgemental. It is designed to persuade us through argument and evidence.

So it would suggest fiction does mold us. It casts a spell and has a more potent influence. We drop our guard. As a result it is more effective at changing beliefs than nonfiction.

Fiction enhances our ability to understand other people. It claims to promote a deep morality that cuts across religious and political creeds. More peculiarly, fiction’s happy endings seem to warp our sense of reality. We believe in lies, and sometimes that is badly needed.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What I Need...

So what I need are the following -
"A sponsor."
"A person who has a van."
"A sense of direction."
"A sales team."
"A charity event."
"A special offer discount."
"A fashion sense."
"An ap."

This from the 10 year-old daughter today as we sat in the car, looking out at the playing pitch as the 7 year-old son ran up and down the field with a hurling stick in hand, and I hoped to God I was cheering on the right fella. (It's really difficult to tell who is who when they have those team colours on - and multicoloured helmets).

She wrote in her short story book. Shoes off, feet on the dashboard. I flicked down the sun visor and slid the little cover over, the mirror looked at my eyebrows. Then my eyes. Enough. I turned to her.
"You really think so?"
She was sure.
"Where do you get all this info?"
"From the telle."
I smile - confused as usual.
"Watch and learn mother. Watch and learn."

The young son runs the length of the pitch. It looks cold outside. He does a kind of hop and skip along. A young smaller player corners him and gives him the bat of a hurley. The son raises his, and chases off the other fella. I open a packet of wine gums. This is looking interesting. I share with herself, but she will only eat the Blackcurrent flavoured ones. She eats really slowly so I give myself at least two at a time. I'd be waiting all day otherwise.

"I'm away out to keep an eye on yer man."
"Ok. I'm staying here."
I slip the packet into my pocket.
I get out of the car and lie against the bonnet, two high heels dug into the ground.

The son is running the length of the pitch again. Some other parents get out of their cars and make a move onto the field. There's fifteen minutes left. One man walks a good bit over to the side-lines and keeps his mobile phone up to his ear. The son holds his position and helps score a point. The cheers go up. I'll save him two of those wine gums, I think.

The daughter gets home and I'm hoping to brain-storm some more business ideas with her. But she's not interested. The son is shattered, but still has time to demolish Lego City Starwars off the coffee table in the sun-room.

He's telling me again about the nice man we met last week at the Starwars Invasion. In Dublin. He was one-third of Java The Hut. Aparently the seating cushion for Java was a bottomless crypt and this lovely actor, Mike, had to stay in it for most of the day filming. He's a dwarf and was only too kind to sign the son's drawing of a Stormtrooper. (I had it ready in a folder - just in case someone forgot to bring it.)He didn't look for payment either. "Just a contribution" to his charity for polio. Unlike the actor who played Illando Clarisian - who was charging 30 euro a pop for a signature. "What was the best thing about working on Star Wars?" I asked. "What?" he said in an American drawl. "Nothing", I said smiling.

If he wrote "Ill" would that have just cost a fiver?

I'll ask the daughter.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mr Twit - Class Perspective

These interesting Mr. Twits are the result of our recent Children's Creative Writing Class. The objective was to expand the creative mind, visually and in word form - both together. It also included using descriptive prose and character to achieve the desired "yuck!" affect.
This class was based on Roald Dahl's book The Twits. The extract is in the previous blog. As you can see we have wonderful young creative minds at The Write Space. Check out more at or on Facebook at The Write Space! Thank you guys!


Train Terror!
Once I saw a man on a train. I knew him from a book. It was Mr. Twit.
I looked at him, as if I was going to get sick. He had a beard. It had about 20 worms, 15 snails, 5 chicken bones, 2 juice cartons, 17 pieces of rotten cheese, 9 pieces of sweet wrappers. And it looked like a fish was there, but it disintegrated and all you can see now are its bones. Don’t even get me started about the squid eyes!
What I know is that he has 47 spiders. I know this because I counted. I know, that’s weird, right?
If you ever meet Mr. Twit, go to Australia and stay there. That’s what I’m doing right now.
P.S. Mr Twit stinks and he’s here, in Ireland.


Mr. Twit
He had a pig nose, a heart, a fire, a rotting dead person, a mouse, a rubber duck, a fish, a chewed finger, rat poo, mouldy cheeses, intestines, veins, glue, ear wax, sports, wood lice, acid, snakes, rotting alien flesh, gone off sick and a person puking all the time in his beard.


Mr Twit Goes To The Launderette!
At ten o’clock Mr. Twit left Number One Sprite Lane to go to the launderette. He walked down the road. On the way there the people around him fell to their knees. They were not falling because they liked him. But because of his beard!
It was the worst thing ever! You could smell it from the other side of the world. He had lot in his beard. But here are just some: chocolate, fish, chips and much, much more!
When he finally got to the launderette, he met me. Hi, I’m Sally! I work in the launderette. The next day I went on the train. He was sitting across from me. I stared at him. “What are you looking at?” he said. “Sorry”, I said backing away. “Can you stop staring at me now?”


Mr. Twit is an ugly man who always goes on the 9:00 train. Loads of people have to hold their nose, because of the smell. Some people cancel their trip.
Once Mr. Twit went on the train with a worm wriggling in his beard and he kept licking his beard. He has fish, apple, bugs, a worm, stale bread, cheese, gravy and a sandwich in his beard.


There was a wriggly worm.
A bit of rotten cheese.
A chewed pink pencil.
A puddle of ketchup from dinner.
A sticky dead fly.
A small spider.
The spider’s web from last year.
A big puddle of gravy
A crooked tooth that fell out last month.


I was on a bus and I saw Mr. Twit. He yelled. “Where the hell am I supposed to sit!” Then he sat beside me and I got sick and then I took a picture of Mr. Twit’s beard and that’s the story of Mr. Twit. (Sung).


When I sat beside Mr. Twit I almost puked in my faint. Probably because of his beard.
In it there was:
Rotten cheese.
A fish head.
Rat poo.
Rotting alien flesh.
Toxic waste.
Future’s evil enemy, a mouse.
Sewage water.
A finger nail.
Cow poo.
A claw.
A bird’s nest.
His baby teeth.
A rotten three scoop ice-cream.
A baby lion’s leg.


Mr. Twit is horrible and disgusting. If you were sitting opposite him on the bus, you would feel like you were going to be sick. Mr Twit never washes or cleans himself. He has the most horrible things you can think of hidden in his beard. A spider, a fly, a cigarette lighter and a sausage.


Mr. Simon’s Adventure
Did you know Mr. Simon had the most revolting beard ever! He had in it mince pieces, chewing gum, ink, fish, steak, cat’s hair, mice poo, sewage water, fart powder, dead flies, an old sailor’s boot, acid, petrol, and soil.
Now Mr. Simon went to New York once and when people went past him they got sick. When he got on to a train in the subway, he sat down beside a business man. The man went light green. He fell to his knees and collapsed and said: “I’m rotting away!” Finally it was Mr. Simon’s stop. When he got out, his beard got stuck when the door closed.
Two Hours Later...He finally got out but sadly his beard ripped in two. Somewhere in New York his beard is floating in the air. Smelling like poo!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Twits

The Children's Creative Writing Class was excellent yesterday. We delved into making things as descriptive as possible. Roald Dahl's book The Twits was the inspiration for the class.

In case you don't know who they are - The Twits are husband and wife and although they are very funny, they are not too bright! Mr. Twit has a long shaggy beard that has bits of rotten fish, apple, stale bread and so on stuck in it. Mrs Twit used to be very pretty when she was young, but she kept having frightening thoughts and ended up as an ugly old hag! The Twits love to play mean tricks on each other.

In general Mr Twit's beard was a topic of coversation. Especially when I read out the following...
Things cling to hairs, especially food. Things like gravy go right in among the hairs and stay there. You and I can wipe our smooth faces with a flannel and we quickly look more or less all right again, but the hairy man cannot do that. We can also, if we are careful, eat our meals without spreading food all over our faces. But not so the hairy man. Watch carefully next time you see a hairy man eating his lucnh and you will notice that even if he opens his mouth very wide, it is impossible for him to get a spoonful of beef-stew or ice-cream and chocolate sauce into it without leaving some of it on the hairs. Mr Twit didn't even bother to open his mouth wide when he ate. As a result (and because he never washed) there were always hundreds of bits of old breakfasts and lucnhes and suppers sticking to the hairs around his face. They weren't big bits, mind you, because he use dto wipe those off with the back of his hand or on his sleeve while he was eating. (Roald Dahl)
The class spent the next hour drawing various beards with disgusting things in them. They wrote these descriptions into their proper sentences. They also placed the character with the beard in a situation next to them (on a train, for example) and then we wallowed in the disgustingness of it all with lots of "yuckkkkks!" and "ohhhhhs!" Many characters even had managed to mumble a few words.

If you want to take a look at the drawings and the words then check us all out at The Write Space on Facebook - in the notes section. Alternatively go to Be patient with us, these characters can be tricky to scan in! Check out

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cheer uping

Business course going ok. Yesterday found out that I would have to have a whole range of things for my classes to make them "viable." Namely stickers for hot and cold taps in the bathroom, a fire extinguisher and a blanket. "You're worse than my mother," I said daringly to the lady hosting the class. We all laughed, as we all do. So I was heartily surprised to hear how loud they roared when I made the sincere suggestion that one guy's relishes should come with sticky labels attached with possibly a sketching of his own face. As in the same as Paul Newman. "Now correct me if I'm wrong," says the person next to me, "but Sam does not look anything like Paul Newman. No harm intended." Raucous laughter. Someone mentioned I even "cracked them up." Took this as a non compliment. After lovely break with pick and mix chocolate biscuits, we had problem with no milk. Until Sam showed us the fridge which we had mistaken for a dishwasher. Second half of class I got chatting, as you do, to lovely man who informed me he had worked "all over the world" in a certain field which for his own security (social) I cannot go into and expand on. But talk about place-dropping, he only worked in America, (jaw dropped at the amount of locations parade lingustically about the place) and I think (the regular favourite for CV inclusion) Abu Dhabi. Then he said he had worked in the Twin Towers, upon which I gripped the plastic in my seat. "Really!" I was hooked. "When it went down?" "No, before that." "Before it went down?" "No. But it is too upsetting to talk about." The class returned to their seats and the conversation struck up about The Sale of Good Act 1980. "A receipt is a legal document for tender in exchange of goods?" he asked putting up his hand as I saw nothing but a white shirt infront of my face. All mention of the TT forgotten about, until he turned to me in a lull in the conversation. "Never look back," he whispered. "Ne-ever." I felt guilty, so shoved the one fingered variety Twix I had 'stolen' from out of my anorak and onto the table. Start as I mean to go on.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Don't Try This At Home

Thursday evening around four p.m. sitting with my daughter Aoise going over her homework. Hubbie in kitchen. Son, Edward - 7 in bathroom, sounds out a little "oh". That turns into a bigger "oh" with my words during the following five hours which include - "lets try it with pepper", "close the other nostril and blow","calm down everyone", "we'll go to the Louth", "yes, the nice nurse is just putting plasters onto the end of the scissors to be gentle", "they will see it", "get into the car quickly", "I think it is white", "the HB one", "Drogheda here we come", "I'm getting married in the morning" "Audrey Hepburn", "it's not me singing", "five euro per hour to park", "better get better quick", "simpsons are pretending to be funny", "push the door", "Eddie Rocket is indeed here", "can't you do anything for him", "the doctor says it will be ok", "can you get us there now", "nurse, here's his chart that fell down between the bed and the wall", "we need to get there now", "thanks doctor for the referral", "now", "thank the nurse please doctor", "that didn't work doctor", "a hamburger with the happy meal", "I need this COKE", " roads", "left glasses at home", "yes it's dark because it's winter", "why can't the English teach their children how to speak", "no don't be dissapointed pet, we all do these things, but don't do them again", "no no nose amputation" "yes I ate the buckle of my baby shoe", "look at the traffic", "yes it came out", "Glasnevin", "poo", "scuse me where is Temple Street Children's Hospital", "yes, thanks", "sucse me where is A n E", "I know, these people obviously don't have children", "thank you", "yes doctor", I will hold him on my knee and keep my arms around him", "the lovely nurse will hold your head", "listen to the doctor", "think of the sleepover", "think of the party", "I love you", "you are so brave", "haaahahahahaha", "thank you doctor", "ding dong the the bells are gonna chime", "yes it is a fab tape", "louder really", "yes, it wasn't that bad", "it was a long wire with a hook", "thanks for the hug".

Friday, January 6, 2012

Where to write?

Where do you write?

Is it really that important? For most of us writers the decision of writing facing a wall, or looking out a window is the equivilant of wearing odd socks or going naked in public.

Whatever it is we writers obsess about, we mostly make sure that the muse - while we are waiting for him/her to strike, must at least appear in a semi-comforatble and dynamic environment. Or even at the kitchen table.

I am always intersted to find out where fellow writers hone their craft. Some prefer the isolation of a cafe. Another person I know loves writing at 11 p.m. on the dot sitting up in bed. Someone else can write on the back of a scrap of paper on the bus and then transfer it to a script book.

For me it's not so much about the place I write. More about the state of mind I am in at the time. And usually what I'm wearing. That is the odd bit. Mostly I tend to wear brighter colours when freewriting to give me a bit of energy. Don't imagine I look like a clown but I do prefer anything over black. No idea why really.

At the moment I am in the process of cleaning out my office. It has taken me two days already. The reason I am going so slow is I am procrastinating. Having a good rummage in old letters, notebooks and photographs. The need to declutter is very strong this year. The new website for the Write Space will be up and running shortly, and the classes are starting again next week.

Things must be bad - I've even assembled a set of drawer files my brother-in-law gave me for Christmas. And they are also complete with little index cards at the front.

During my digging into the past, I found our old Las Vegas Little Chapel wedding video/letters never sent to friends/year planners with chldren's drawnings on them/old Easter Egg boxes and a jewellery box.Taking a five minute break until I head back into it.

Big dilemna - should I move the desk away from the window and over to the far wall? This will mean less light but more heat. Does it matter at the end of the day?

Who Wrote Where -
Virgina Woolf - said a woman must have "a room of her own."
J.K. Rowling - cafe and flat.
Nathalie Sarraute - cafe, same time and table every morning.
Marcel Proust,wrote from midnight to dawn in a cork-lined room.

Stephen King in his book On Writing -
If possible, there should be no telephone in your writing room, certainly no TV or videogames for you to fool around with. If there's a window, draw the curtains or pull down the shades unless it looks out at a blank wall. For any writer, but for the beginning writer in particular, it's wise to eliminate every possible distraction.

Economist John Kenneth Galbraith: The best place to write is by yourself because writing then becomes an escape from the terrible boredom of your own personality.
("Writing, Typing, and Economics," The Atlantic, March 1978)
But the most sensible response may be Ernest Hemingway's, who said simply, "The best place to write is in your head."

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Slitting the infinitives...

I know it may come as something of a shock - but some people have started writing again after the Christmas lull. Our Tuesday night group joins up soon for the Festive Party and thoughts will turn to murder, revolt and possibly love. With various Main Characters showing up, it should be a very interesting night.

So if your brain is slowly coming to, then maybe you might like to take a look - or a very very quick glance at the following. It's about grammer. But everything you ever wanted to know, but were just too scared to ask (out loud in front of the class).

Right, there are 8 parts of speech. They are,verbs, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. OK so far?

Here's a little song to keep in mind (make up the music yourselves).

Check this out!?
It is indeed acceptable practice to sometimes split an infinitive. If infinitive-splitting makes available just the shade of meaning you desire or if avoiding the separation creates a confusing ambiguity or patent artificiality, you are entitled to happily go ahead and split! RICHARD LEDERER

When you catch an adjective, kill it. MARK TWAIN

The adjective is the banana peel of the parts of speech. CLIFTON FADIMAN

Don’t say it was “delightful”. Make us say “delightful” when we’ve read the description. You see, all those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers “Please will you do my job for me?” C.S. LEWIS

Forward motion in any piece of writing is carried by verbs. Verbs are the action words of the language and the most important. Turn to any passage on any page of a successful novel and notice the high percentage of verbs. Beginning writers always use too many adjectives and adverbs and generally use too many dependent clauses. Count your words and words of verbal force (like that word “force” I just used). WILLIAM SLOANE

Get it?! Good!

Seriously - if you can just do with the noun and the verb, then you are on to a winner. Have a go.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What the Pejorative...

This year, I am aiming to bring things back to basics. As one publisher informed me recently, the simplier the better.

So back to the start in a grammatical way (I know, don't yawn). I thought we'd take a look at
The Pejorative.

Now we've taken a look at it. Let's put it away and instead take a look at this...

PANTSING -  Yes we have often given in to it, but don't know what it is. Think of the time you said 'argh, if only I had a pen on me. That's something I should write down'. Or what about the time you are possibly in Tescos and get inspired in the queue? That person? That mannerism? No? Just me? Don't think so. Most writers are on the job, so to speak, all the time. If they are not thinking writing, they are working towards writing. They revel in the solitariness of it. The cut-off reality and the time-travel affect. Well, maybe if you are that way inclined - you have been pantsing about for years, possibly generations.
Pantsing is a term used to describe writing done with the least amount of pre-writing possible. It's the sheer act of writing, of capturing something ephemeral and turning it into something concrete. Not logically but rather through emotional surrendering to a greater idea. It's what we call giving in to the muse, or a good bottle of wine. It's not to be undervalued either because it leads the suitable agents to say - "I just know it, when I see it." Kinda like knowing when Mr Right is The One.
The blog ends here today with a  little bit of mental encouragement to those of us facing into a New Year with promises of no chocolate, more writing and less coffee. Here goes...
Get pantsing everyone.

Book for this Month - Try Coraline.
"The main rule of writing is that if you do it with enough assurance and confidence, you’re allowed to do whatever you like. (That may be a rule for life as well as for writing. But it’s definitely true for writing.) So write your story as it needs to be written. Write it honestly, and tell it as best you can. I'm not sure that there are any other rules. Not ones that matter." Neil Gaiman - the "rock star" of the literary world. Author of Coraline and The Graveyard Book.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Are We There Yet?

Well are we? Slightly afraid to pull back the curtains to see what 2012 has in store.
Just took bone-cracking stretch while watching the sun dance on the grass in the front garden. Not outside in front garden, inside beside lit Christmas Tree.
Calories consumed so far in 2012 - One Crunchie Choc Biscuit.
Rows had so far in 2012 - Over souvenier 12 inch pencil that cannot find its attaching sharpener.
Positive thoughs had so far in 2012 - One - no rain so far.
Exercise taken so far in 2012 - One stretch.
Housework completed so far in 2012 - One cup washed rather limply.
Songs sung so far in 2012 - None, listening to children singing. Katy Perry (argh!).
Negative stories read in newspapers so far in 2012 - One - Patrick Swayse's cancer.
How many items to remove from front room to clean for 2012 - 12 boxes and stuff.
Stuff in front room for 2012 - Tree, large pudding bowl and huge pot. Violin. Two computers. Telescope. Flicker. Two printers. Two cases. Two pot plants. Swim hats. Scuba diving gear. Inflatable life-jacket. Unopened sky lanterns. Box of fruit. Stuff.
Resolutions so far in 2012 - One - to see the glass half full.
Glasses broken so far in 2012 - None.
Dogs walked so far in 2012 - None.
Cups of tea made so far in 2012 - None.
Writing so far in 2012 - 300 words approx.
Unopened selection boxes under tree so far in 2012 - None.
Projected summer holiday plans so far in 2012 - None. (Unlike the children - planning already).
Cups of water drank so far in 2012 - Three.
Anadin so far in 2012 - NONE!!

Wising you all a very creative New Year - Health and Happiness.