Sunday, January 1, 2012

Are We There Yet?

Well are we? Slightly afraid to pull back the curtains to see what 2012 has in store.
Just took bone-cracking stretch while watching the sun dance on the grass in the front garden. Not outside in front garden, inside beside lit Christmas Tree.
Calories consumed so far in 2012 - One Crunchie Choc Biscuit.
Rows had so far in 2012 - Over souvenier 12 inch pencil that cannot find its attaching sharpener.
Positive thoughs had so far in 2012 - One - no rain so far.
Exercise taken so far in 2012 - One stretch.
Housework completed so far in 2012 - One cup washed rather limply.
Songs sung so far in 2012 - None, listening to children singing. Katy Perry (argh!).
Negative stories read in newspapers so far in 2012 - One - Patrick Swayse's cancer.
How many items to remove from front room to clean for 2012 - 12 boxes and stuff.
Stuff in front room for 2012 - Tree, large pudding bowl and huge pot. Violin. Two computers. Telescope. Flicker. Two printers. Two cases. Two pot plants. Swim hats. Scuba diving gear. Inflatable life-jacket. Unopened sky lanterns. Box of fruit. Stuff.
Resolutions so far in 2012 - One - to see the glass half full.
Glasses broken so far in 2012 - None.
Dogs walked so far in 2012 - None.
Cups of tea made so far in 2012 - None.
Writing so far in 2012 - 300 words approx.
Unopened selection boxes under tree so far in 2012 - None.
Projected summer holiday plans so far in 2012 - None. (Unlike the children - planning already).
Cups of water drank so far in 2012 - Three.
Anadin so far in 2012 - NONE!!

Wising you all a very creative New Year - Health and Happiness.

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